Tsumago, located in Nagiso, Nagano Prefecture, is a post town on the Nakasendo, one of the two old routes that connected Kyoto with Edo. At the request of the residents of Tsumago, it was declared that the town be preserved in its so original form and was designated as a Preservation District for Important Traditional Structures in 1976. Just as in the Edo period, it is lined with traditional houses with their old lattice windows.
post town 宿場町
at the request of the residents 住民たちの要求で
be preserved in its original form 原形のまま保存される
Preservation District for Important Traditional Structures 重要伝統的建造物群保存地区
be lined with traditional houses 伝統的な家が立ち並ぶ
lattice window 格子窓
Located at the southwestern tip of Kiso Valley, Tsumago is a long and narrow gorge village that stretches from north to south for about 6 km.
There are several settlements scattered around the “Araragi River” and its tributaries, which flow northward through this gorge and flow into the Kiso River.
The Nakasendo that connects Edo and Kyoto is also called the Kisoji Highway. Tsumago-juku, which is the 42nd of the 69th Nakasendo from Edo, has been busy for a long time as a transportation hub where the Nakasendo and Ina Highway intersect.