The Shugakuin Rikyu was built as a retreat for the retired Emperor Gomizuno-o in 1656.Composed of three section,the upper,middle and lower detached villas, which are connected by gravel paths lined with pine trees, Shugakuin Rikyu covers a spacious area of approximately 545,000 square meters. The borrowed landscape garden in the upper villa, which incorporates the distant mountain range including Mt. Hiei, commands a majestic view of the surrounding area.
(修学院離宮は、1656年、後水尾上皇のために造営された庵である。約54万5千平方メートルの広大な敷地に、松並木の砂利道でつながれた「上離宮」、「中離宮」、「下離宮」の 3箇所で構成される。比叡山など遠くに臨む山々を借景に取り込んだ「上離宮」からは 周りの雄大な眺めが一望できる)