Shiga Kogen, or Shiga Highland, located in the heart of Joshinetsu National Park in Nagano Prefecture, is famous for its grand-scale ski terrain, panoramic views and natural powder snow. Consisting of 21 ski fields and a total of 66 lifts, gondolas and ropeways, Shiga Kogen is by far the largest ski resort in Japan, which was the site of the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Games. At the foot of Shiga Kogen is Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park, where Japanese monkeys bathe in natural hot springs.
located in the heart of の中心部に位置する
grand-scale 大規模な
ski terrain スキー場
panoramic view 全景観
natural powder snow 天然のパウダースノー
by far the largest in Japan 日本屈指の大きさ
at the foot of の麓では
Japanese monkey ニホンザル
bathe in に浸かる
Shiga Kogen has many unique hot springs and has a long history of over 170 years. It started with the development of Hoppo Onsen and Kumanoyu Onsen.
Hoppo Onsen is named after the sound of boiling water and steam, and Kumanoyu Onsen is said to have been named after healing the wounds of wild bears.