Heian-jingu, a Shinto shrine dedicated to Emperor Kanmu and Emperor Komei, was built in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of Heian-kyo, the ancient capital of Kyoto. Located behind the Imperial Audience Hall is a strolling-style landscape garden with a pond, which is noted for its weeping cherry trees. The shrine annually holds “Jidai Matsuri” on October 22, which features a procession of nearly 2,000 people wearing traditional costumes.
(平安神宮は、 1895年に平安遷都1100年祭を記念するために創建された、桓武天皇と孝明天皇を祀る神社である。大極殿背後には、枝垂桜で有名な池泉回遊式庭園がある。毎年10月22日には、伝統的な衣装を身にまとった約2000人の行列を目玉とする「時代祭」が行われる)