Shiretoko National Park on the Shiretoko Peninsula in northeastern Hokkaido is a pristine wilderness area inhabited by countless species of wildlife, which consists of virgin forests, caldera lakes, volcanoes, and coastal cliffs. This World Natural Heritage-listed site is famous for Hokkaido’s highest volcanic mountain named Mt. Rausu, which is reflected on the breathtaking Shiretoko Five Lakes. Another tourist destination in Shiretoko is a hot-spring waterfall named Kamuiwakka Falls, which is a mecca for onsen-enthusiasts.
(知床国立公園は北海道北東部の知床半島に位置する手つかずの自然が残る地域で、数えきれないほどの野生種の生息地であり、原生林、カルデラ湖、火山、海食崖で構成される。この世界自然遺産は、息をのむような知床五湖に映る、北海道最高峰の火山・羅臼岳で有名。 温泉ファンのメッカ、カムイワッカの滝も知床のもう一つの人気観光スポットだ)