Oze is the area spreading across Niigata, Gunma and Fukushima, which consists of the Ozegahara moor, the Ozenuma marsh and their surrounding mountains including Mt. Hiuchi and Mt. Shibutsu.Created by the lava flowing from Mt. Hiuchi which dammed up the Tadami River, it is the largest high moor in Japan set on a basin 1,400 to 1,700 meters above sea level. This area is well-known for its mizubasho, or Japanese skunk cabbage, and nikko-kisuge, or yellow alpine lily.
(尾瀬とは、新潟、群馬 福島にまたがる地域を指し、尾瀬ヶ原、尾瀬沼、燧ヶ岳や至仏山 などの山々から成る。燧ヶ岳の噴火によって只見川が溶岩で堰き止められできた、日本最大の高層湿原で、標高1,400〜1,700mの盆地にあり、ミズバショウとニッコウキスゲでよく知られている)